Sundown Worship May 16th

Hello my beloved fellow Impactors lol....

So as many of you may know we are having Sundown Worship at the Del Campos residence this upcoming Sabbath, May 16th. We will start around 6:30pm and please bring a King James Version of the Bible as we will be studying and preparing for the Mock Bible Bowl on June 6th. So here is the agenda for the evening:

Opening Prayer: Justin Del Campo

Praise time: Praise Team

Opening song: "I Worship You All Mighty God"

Ice Breaker: Jason Dionisio

Devotional/Testimony: Christine Alberastine

Season of Prayer (Popcorn prayer): Everyone

Bible Study in groups(Book of Matthew): Andrew Perez

Closing Song: "Power of Your love"

Closing Prayer: Michael Alberastine

Also, it's going to be a potluck as well so if you can kindly contribute that would be greatly appreciated. So far here's what people are bringing.

Lauren : Pizza and Drinks
Christine : Chow Mein and Pudding Pie
Jason: Chicken
Andrew: Chips and other snacks
Geneva: Unspecified Dessert item lol

Well as long as each family is able to provide something that's good. Also a few members from Bramalea will be attending as well.
Well hope to all see you there.

Have a wonderful and blessed week.
God bless you all

Christine :)