Back to Basics: Small group guide


1. From 0-10, 0 -being non-existent and 10 - being super/excellent, how would you grade your spiritual life? Why?
2. What do you plan to do about it? Start spending 15, 30, 45 , 60 min per day in devotions. Which one best describe your desire and when and what time do you plan to start.
3. Is there any question you have about the authenticity,validity,historicity, and inspiration of the Bible that prevents you from enjoying it? (MAPS).

these questions meant to show that the lack of prayer life and daily devotions affect your spiritual life.
spiritual life may be scored low because of lack of prayer life and daily bible devotions.
some Christians believe that they can improve their Spiritual life on their own. they must realize that they need a daily renewal, a daily devotion and prayer in order to grow in Christ.

Word of God bible study.
the full word of God bible study can be found here.

Starting point: Rev 1:3
- blessed are those who read and hear the word.
- the time of judgement is coming near. It is very important to study the word of God in these end times.
who is the author of the bible?
2 peter 1:20,21
- scripture is not of private interpretation. They did not just think this stuff up.
– it was written by holy men of God who spoke and wrote as they were moved by the HS.
- since the HS is the author of the bible, we should let Him interpret His words.
- we should not go beyond what the word says and try to interpret them with our own wisdom.
why do we flip back and forth in the bible? -> isa 28:9,10 – precept upon precept, line upon line.
how much of scripture is inspired by God?
2 Tim. 3:16
– ALL scripture is given by inspiration of God. That includes the old testiment.
- some churches dismiss the old testiment and do not study it.
ps. 119:160
– entirety of Your word is truth.
how did God communicate to the prophets?
Heb. 1:1,2
– in various times and in various ways. Spoken to us by Jesus
how did information get put together?
Luke 1:1-4
– narrative that is orderly. Luke wrote giving account from eye witnesses of Jesus.
What is the bible written for? What can we benefit from it?
Rom 15:4
– written for our learning. Learning from success, victories and mistakes.
1 cor. 10:11
– written for example and our admonition(instruction)
2 Tim. 3:16 and 17
– profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, for instruction in righteousness. To be epuiped for every good work.
- with Gods word we can form doctrines, correct wrong beliefs and determine the righteous way God wants us to live.
ps. 119:105
– lamp to feet, light unto path.
- We are living in Dark times and the word of God leads us to the right path.
- we are living in a time where the line between right and wrong is very blurry. Eg. Homosexuality and premarital sex being more acceptable.
Eternal Life through Jesus Christ
John 5:39
– we study the scriptures in search for eternal life.the scriptures Testify of Jesus
John 20: 31
– written to believe in Jesus Christ. To have life in his name.

time is tight and questions that are brought up can be answered in the question and answer section of the program. the only question to entertain is
“how do you know the bible is authentic and reliable?”
now knowing that the bible is authentic, historic, reliable, and inspired, encourage the participants to read their bible with confidence!


Michelle said...

For the question "how did information get put together" I think that one text is insufficient.
Someone might argue that that was only how Luke put his information together but it dosn't necessarily hold for how the rest of the bible was put together.
Is there any other text you can provide to answer this question?