12 Question Bible Exercise

God's Word is a blessing to us and we should treasure it more than our necessary food. this exercise is meant to help you develop a devotional life and provide a means to study the Bible. the verses given are grouped in different subjects. once these verses are studied, you'll be able to come to an understanding of that subject and may even be able to give a bible study.

Instructions: you'll need a notebook, a pen and a highlighter. go through each verse and answer these 12 questions:

12 Questions
1. what is the main topic of the chapter?
2. what is the leading lesson of the chapter?
3. what is the main verse?
4. who are the main people?
5. is there anything to learn about God/Christ?
6. is there any examples for me to follow?
7. is there any error or sin for me to avoid?
8. am I called to fulfill a duty?
9. is there any promise for me to claim?
10. is there any prayer for me to echo?
11. is there anything to thank God for?
12. do I learn anything about mankind?

*An alternative method of study is to write the basic gist of the verse(s) and then come to a conclusion of thesis.
Eg: 2 Peter 1:21 - prophecies came by holy inspiration of the Holy Spirit, but by the will of man.

Subject 1: Word of God
1. 2 peter 1:21
2. 2 timothy 3:15,16
3. psalm 119:160
4. psalm 12:6,7
5. matt 24:35
6. Rom 15:4
7. 2 tim 3:15
8. john 5:39
9. john 16: 13
10. 1 cor. 2:13
11. isa. 28:9,10
12. john 17:17
13. john 7:17
14. prov. 30:5
15. 2 sam. 22:31
16. heb. 4:12
17. 1 cor. 10:11
18. ps. 119:105
19. job 23:12
20. isa. 40:8
21. matt. 22:29
22. heb. 1:1,2
23. john 20:31
24. gal. 1:12
25. luke 24:25-27
26. isa. 8:20
27. heb. 2:1
28. jer. 15:16
29. ps. 119:11
30. luke 11:28
31. rev. 1:3
32. acts 17:11


Anonymous said...

Thank you Andrew for posting our devotional verses. This will be a great tool in helping our youth primarily and reaching others secondarily. Thank for all your work in our ministry. God bless you and yours!

Kuya Angelo