Reaching out to Communist Countries

This Sabbath we've been blessed with a visit by Pastor Eliseo Lozano as he shared his amazing missionary experiences. He's the president of "Changing People's Lives International Ministry" (CPL) based in Loma Linda, California. And they focus on providing humanitarian aid, food, medicine and the spreading of the gospel in communist countries which include NORTH KOREA, VIETNAM, CUBA, CAMBODIA, LAOS, and of course CHINA. They have been doing some good work in the name of Jesus but it wasn't nor is it still easy! Evangelizing in other countries is one thing but to reach out within communist territory is something much more challenging! the nature of communism is to control everything; you couldnt even eat at a restaurant without having to show your passport! Christianity is no exception. These communist countries are incredibly strict, often leading to the imprisonment of anyone preaching the word of God. Pastor Lozano has had to resort to smuggling Bibles, lesson studies, what ever they could into these countries. He himself has had to spend a few days in prison on a couple of occasions.

Many would think that whoever is willing to go out and evangelize to these communist countries must be CRAZY! but everytime people would call Pastor Lozano's efforts crazy, he would just respond, "its ok. My God is pretty crazy too and He will find us a way."

And indeed his efforts were successful thanks to his immense faith in God. One success story includes (Vietnam, i believe), after more than 30 years of communism, has finally legalized the worship and study of Jesus Christ! before this, the people of Vietnam had to hide and worship underground secretly. more than 30 years they've had to worship like this! and once they've recieved news from Pastor Lozano that they were free to worship, they celebrated the next Sabbath with a communion service and a song service that lasted for 3 hours!
Other success stories included flying balloons into North Korea which carryed hidden lesson studies and cookies. and another incredible story of Pastor FIGHTING to get a satilite broadcast of Mark Finley into Cuba.

All his stories are so very inspiring and moving that i wish someone would document these experiences so that they can be shared with everyone.

Many of us have doubts. I myself have my share of doubts, especially when it comes to missionary work. But this one story of Pastor Lozano's was particularly touching. a local evangelist asked him for his shoes. and after a bit of debate, pastor Lozano eventually gave the man his shoes, leaving himself shoeless as he boarded an airplane. i believe it was a flight attendant who had asked him what had happened to his shoes. and somehow she had an extra pair of men's shoes that he could use. (forgive me if i dont have the facts straight :S)
but the ONE phrase which Pastor Lozano spoke sticks out for me and stregthens my faith in God...


The God that knows when you need a pair of shoes right when you need them! He is neither too early nor too late, He is ALWAYS on time. you may worry about where you're going to get your next meal, or how you're going to make it through. But you can rest knowing that God will always provide you with all your needs! Evangelizing in communist countries may be crazy... but you can rest assured that God will always be with you!

Dispite their success, The Changing People's Lives International Ministry still has a lot of work to do and they also need your help. They need funds in order to Establish home churches, to provide food and humanitarian aid, to sponsor local lay evangelists and other things as well (I'll include the details later)
Please visit their website to make a donation:
or give them a call: 909 796 9440

I also ask that you include CPL International Ministries in your prayers as they continue to spread the word of God.