High School Friend

its funny how God works. i just received an instant message from someone who i haven't seen since highschool; let alone that i haven't talked to him much at all during highschool. responding to his message, he denies ever sending me a message. it must have been a bug in the system or something supernatural. so we have a little chat about how we've been doing. i then suspect that this conversation didnt start by accident. so i ask him if anything was going on in his life that he wanted to talk about. it turns out that he does have a lot of things going on and isn't as strong a christian as he used to be. (we never suspected each other to be christian back in Highschool). so i gave him the link to discoveries 08 and said i would pray for him.

so this is a prayer request that you help me pray for Cris, that he find his way again. that he learn to trust and love his fellow christian.

Thanks guys.


Angelo Austria said...

Praise the Lord, bro! We'll keep him in prayer. You've just experience how awesome God is in bringing people back to Him.