New Beginning

Greetings Impact212,

It has been my observation in the last 12 years of my ministry that many of our young people though possessing the knowledge of Jesus Christ and His truths, chose to remain in their potential. Yes, they go to church, sing hymns or praise songs, kneel for prayer the whole works, yet still without power. Life for them just seems to be a cycle of activities that they have passively accepted. Nobody seems to mind what kind of thoughts they are thinking. Because we are distracted by many things, some good while others are not. Nobody seems to stop anymore and just meditate upon their choices, unless they are in some kind of difficult situations. We need to be reminded that the mind is the battle ground for good and evil. Both sides are trying to get our allegiance. Our enemy is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour according to 1 Peter 5:8. Unfortunately, many have been devoured already - they that have given their lives to the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and the pride of life. Self-centeredness, and self-gratification sums up their life choices. Self is the center of all things for them. If it feels good, it must be ok.Some on the other hand are trying to to please both sides. One leg is inside the church while the other is out in the world. These are the half-baked Christians. Their Christian beliefs never becomes their convictions. They compromise all aspects of morality and Christian values, yet still profess to be a follower of Christ. They know what they ought to do, yet still loves the things of the world. Their neither hot nor cold.Both of the conditions I mention are lost. Yet the good news is that both conditions still have a potential, the potential for greatness in Jesus Christ. No, not greatness in the sense of money, fame or power but in the service of our Lord.

The early disciples ministry was a great ministry, not because of their popularity or anything else, but because their ministry is marked by surrendered lives, fully committed to love and service of God. Were they perfect? Of course not, which by the way is great news for all of us, that means I too, who makes occasional mistakes can still see my potential realize.Imagine a bunch of trains sitting on the railroad tracks just waiting to be launch. The engines are checked, the load is checked, the goods on board, yet not reaching it's destination. Why? Well, it needs steam to power its powerful engines.At 211 degrees farenheight water is very hot, at 212 degrees water boils. And when water boils, steam is produce, and steam can power a locomotive. The difference between mediocre and greatness is one degree. Between reaching and realizing their potentials and sitting still waiting for life to happen. 212, is the attitude of excellence. Doing our best, giving it our all.

Many of you are getting to warmer now in faith, while some are getting hot, but all of us needs to exert that one extra degree for our full potential to be realize. Jesus claimed that "Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world", He is the engine of our train, the most powerful one, but He is just waiting for steam to be produce, and away we go. Let us all strive to exert that one degree of effort. Let us commit ourselves to daily Bible study and prayer. In time, not long from whence you start in this direction, God is going to reveal to you Himself and His plan for your life. For He has destined you for greatness. Are you ready? Let's go! Arise Impact212, and let the world know Jesus Christ through you. I trust that you will head His call. God bless you and yours.

Kuya Angelo

P.S. I pray that as you go back to school that you will be the best in your chosen course/class, yet fully reminded that you belong first to Jesus, that's your identity.