
Today at work, I had the wonderful opportunity to witness to 2 elderly ladies. The first was a Jewish lady, wherein we both shared to one another how wonderful God is..she was discharged and she wished me the best of luck in my future and I asked God to be with her and to continue to strengthen her as she goes back home. The second lady was a Baptist who was so eager as well to share Jesus with me. She had casually asked me to pray for her to be accepted into a Rehabilitation facility in Peterborough. Typically when someone asks me to pray for them I would try and remember them the next time I prayed by myself, but then the Holy Spirit then and there pushed me to actually pray for her at that very moment. And so I did, I thanked God for the Easter weekend in which we are reminded of Jesus's love and sacrifice for us and then I prayed for my patient, that she would be healed accordingly and to be strengthened so that she may continue to be a witness for Him. I felt empowered by the Holy Spirit. God was telling me that even in the most busiest of environments, that I can take time to witness to complete strangers. So I praise God for a long and laborious day, not only working for a living, but for also working for Him:)


Anonymous said...

Praise The Lord, Christine! I'm proud of you. God is we'' pleased. Keep up the great work.

Kuya Angelo