10 Commandments existed only after Moses?

Rick Catibog asks:
Is it true that 10 Commandments and the Sabbath did not exist until Moses?


Anonymous said...

i believe that the 10 commandments were written by God and given to Moses so that people will know how to define sin. we would not need the 10 commandments if we were not sinners.

As for the Sabbath, it was made for man to rest. Mark 2:27 says: And He said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath."

i believe that man needed to rest since the beginning of creation. Gen. 2:3 says: Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.

but i dont remember reading if the people before moses actually kept the sabbath. you can assume that the sabbath was a common at the time and was not needed to be mentioned.

or you can say that the sabbath, along with the 10 cmdts were given to moses so that the law may be known us humans.

either way, Sabbath keeping is still law and apart of the 10 cmdts and we should be following them.